World of Stamp Series, 32 Pages, HELP!!!

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by ranbethscards, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. ranbethscards

    ranbethscards New Member

    Can anyone give me any information on the World of Stamp Series?

    I have attached a list of which ones I have... looking for their value.


    View attachment stamps listing.rtf 0804131943.jpg 0804131943a.jpg 0804131944.jpg
  2. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    The world of stamps series are panels that were originally put out by the Postal Commemorative Society aimed mainly at a non-collector niche. The panels are worth a fraction of their initial cost to a seasoned collector who is looking strictly at the catalog value of the stamps. The best indication of value is Ebay which regularly hammers down these panels. I have a search link which show most of them at a "buy now" price of around $3.
    ranbethscards likes this.
  3. ranbethscards

    ranbethscards New Member

    Thank you for the information... guess I should be looking at getting around $2.00 a piece for them... and be happy if I get that much!

    anyone want to make an offer?
  4. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    I am unfortunately am not a worldwide collector, but depending on country and subject perhaps others on the panel might be interested. Good luck! A scan or photo of some of the panels might generate some interest with other collectors on this board. That would be my recommendation.
    ranbethscards likes this.
  5. tu7

    tu7 Well-Known Member

    Photos please.
  6. ranbethscards

    ranbethscards New Member

    added photos of six of the pages.. this gives everyone an idea of what they look like.
  7. tu7

    tu7 Well-Known Member

    The animals look attractive H; are they actual perforated stamps attached to those pages? If they are, are they American stamps, I would be very interested if this was the case, cannot tell at the posted size though.
  8. tu7

    tu7 Well-Known Member

    The animals look attractive R; are they actual perforated stamps attached to those pages? If they are, are they American stamps, I would be very interested if this was the case, cannot tell at the posted size though.
  9. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Yes, my research on Ebay indicates that the panels have real stamps that are mounted with clear mounts and sometimes when topical have stamps from various nations. I have linked an ebay listing of the "wild animals" with the stamps still in a glassine as the panel was originally shipped. According to the listing it says the stamps are from Bhutan.
  10. ranbethscards

    ranbethscards New Member

    that is correct... real stamps.. and NOT from the United States. the list that I attached to the original thread shows what country the stamps are from.
    Hochstrasse likes this.
  11. tu7

    tu7 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the info gentlemen unfortunately the last thing I need to do right now is start collecting another country.
  12. ranbethscards

    ranbethscards New Member

    Am I wrong in this thinking...

    eBay shows this selling (or asking for) each sheet. $3.00, plus $5.00 shipping, which comes to $8.00 per page.

    If I ask $2.00 per page, selling as a lot, is that a "decent" deal? (Of course, I can only ship to the U.S.A. at that price)

    I do sports cards and am thinking of setting these on my table next month at the next show... $2.00 - $3.00 each page...
  13. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    I think selling them as a lot for $2 a page at your next show will get it done. That's really the rub with selling bulky items on Ebay. Mailing costs always factor into it.
    Steve Robinson and ranbethscards like this.
  14. ranbethscards

    ranbethscards New Member

    thanks... I think that's the best way to do it.
  15. tu7

    tu7 Well-Known Member

    I would sell them in pairs
  16. Amir King

    Amir King Member

    Interesting stamps. A worldwide collection is sought after. Some countries are probably worth more than others. I hope you do well selling these stamps and go make some profit!

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