What's this worth

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by dickdeleware, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    Any ideas uploadfromtaptalk1448828347952.jpg rose Washington
  2. SATX Collector

    SATX Collector Remember the Alamo!


    You have a couple of stamp types there, are you referring to the one in the middle? Since the perfs are cut almost all the way off, it will have a lesser value than one with all the perfs.
  3. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Stamp values are reflective of condition and scarcity. Staining, discoloration and nibbed perforations remove much of a stamps value. The stamps being shown come in different perforations, watermarked and unwatermarked paper and type varieties so it can't be determined with certainty what stamp is in the picture. I would venture to guess that they are likely valued at the catalogue minimum. Any stamps having faults are space fillers. You would need to check for watermarks, check the perforations on the stamp with a gauge and consult a U.S. catalogue and determine the variety with a loop magnifier to know exactly what you have.
  4. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

  5. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Judging from what I see I don't believe it is the pink variety. It appears to be a faded carmine in my opinion. I could be wrong.
  6. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    the picture isn't that good but when you out it against exact same stamp its rose
  7. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    The stamps appear to have a type 2 triangle in the corner. A pink stamp has a type 1 triangle.
  8. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    I know watch lemme take better one
  9. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    uploadfromtaptalk1448859082279.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859095167.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859110799.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859123257.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859136354.jpg
    SATX Collector likes this.
  10. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    the 2 next to it got messed up up in the book they were in
  11. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    anyone interested in seeing more let me know
  12. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    rose colored according to uploadfromtaptalk1448859380395.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859387665.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859392487.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1448859396621.jpg
  13. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Perhaps it would be a good idea,to tell us what your
    intention is,showing so many extremely common
    Perhaps it would be another good idea to sort out all
    damaged ones and throw them in the waste-bin.
    If you want to know the value of the shown stamps:
    unless some interesting are hidden somewhere,all
    are of hardly any value at all.They are just common
    SATX Collector likes this.
  14. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Scott Catalogue does not recognize a rose colored type II issue. Although the comparison to identified stamps of a certain hue might indicate it to be that color it does not take into account sun fading, reaction to chemicals used to check for watermarks or other adverse handling or aging. I suggest consulting a catalog for further identification. A magnifying loop is really required to check the triangles for type.
  15. AtanasVelikov

    AtanasVelikov Member

    When I saw this post I thought maybe they were worth something as I have loads too :) This has made me laugh honestly, I'm sorry as you were clearly asking an intelligent questions, when people say go to a stamp dealer, sometimes that is not possible, I live in Bulgaria, there is no such thing here.
  16. SATX Collector

    SATX Collector Remember the Alamo!

    I agree... get rid of the fluff and show only the one you want help in identifying. The 2-cent Washington comes in a lot of different varieties and perfs... you are asking for help in identifying a specific type but are showing a lot of different types along with it.

    If you want multiple definitions, put them in separate frames so we can expand them and see what they are truly are...

    Constructive criticism... not beating you up.
  17. SATX Collector

    SATX Collector Remember the Alamo!

  18. dickdeleware

    dickdeleware New Member

    ok thanks guys
  19. SATX Collector

    SATX Collector Remember the Alamo!

  20. AtanasVelikov

    AtanasVelikov Member

    It makes me go dizzy and now when I'm sorting mine out if I see more than one I get a headache and start to go all blurry eyes like I've had a few too many :)

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