The stamp collectors tools of the trade. Getting Started-

Discussion in 'Stamp Chat' started by Jay, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

  2. tasha

    tasha Active Member

    This is such useful information. Thank you! I am sure with the right tools stamps can be protected and observed closely, now all we need is a data base to allow us to input the stamp and get the information on where it came from, who had it and how it was used as well as what it is worth today.
  3. wahmed

    wahmed New Member

  4. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    Useful link, nice that you shared it here. :)
  5. superbobby

    superbobby New Member

    Thank you for posting this. This was a really informative post and I appreciate it a lot. I still consider myself a newbie in stamps.
  6. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Correction - number or perforations in the space of 20mm or 2cm
    Regards, James
  7. BettyAnn

    BettyAnn New Member

    Sorry if I'm repeating but my phone isn't liking the forum layout.

    A good bit of software!

    I have Stamp Mate and it's tons of help. Other software I've tried focuses on Scott only or isn't very visual, oddly enough. But SM allows for multiple catalogue systems and pulls info from Colnect to help. It's been perfect for me.
  8. Eduguy

    Eduguy New Member

    I'm wondering where I could purchase all of these things in Canada? How much money would it cost? What's a good brand?

    I'm on a budget, so is there anything that is "less essential" that I will not need to buy right away?
  9. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Anything a person needs for collecting can be gotten from an online retailer. I would say the most indispensable items a collector needs are stamp tongs, perforation gauge, magnification loop and stamp storage. This can be as simple as a 3-ring binder and stock pages. Any of those items can be bought for a few dollars.
  10. gmckeebiz

    gmckeebiz New Member

    Some pretty cool tips and information in this thread. I've gotten into stamp collecting over the years but I didn't know some of this stuff. I find it to be a pretty interesting and satisfying hobby though I haven't got into it or had enough time to really expand my collection as much as I want to. Need to get an ultra violet lamp as soon as possible.
  11. judyd

    judyd New Member

    Are you still a stamp collector if you've never sold a single stamp? What makes a stamp collector? Having more than one out of print stamp? Does it have to be a certain age?

    If I have several stamps in a case (not a collector's album) can I still call myself a stamp enthusiast?
  12. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello all, This is a copy of one of my posts from last year.

    I think that is important for stamp collectors to handle and identify their collections with care.
    Items list:
    Magnifying glass, Sherlock Holmes style or modern. Some stamps have writing ½ mm ¹/50 inch high
    Tweezers (tongs), Stainless or plastic.
    Perforation Guage, essential for telling different print runs etc.
    Small black tray for watermark detection for as above

    The items below would cost about $10 today on EBay


    Add a large bowl from your kitchen for floating stamps off paper and a pack of non-stick baking sheets (1$) for drying your stamps on. (reusable - my pack has been used for over two years now and has dried about 5000 stamps)

    Regards, James.
  13. Bionicbelly

    Bionicbelly Getting this stamp thing licked

    One thing I think we have all missed -- you need reasonable health to enjoy the hobby and a good eyesight (with or without a magnifying glass)
    Makanudo likes this.
  14. sd tom

    sd tom New Member

    I invested $20.00 in an optical magnifier and am satisfied with it
  15. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello Tom, welcome to the forum. At this point I usually ask, what do you collect? WW, countries and/or themes? The other question is where are you based please?
    I hope that we can see some of your collection and get other input from you.
    Regards, James
  16. Terry Wicks

    Terry Wicks Member

    Hello I was curious if anyone could point me to a website/company whom sells stamp bundling strips. Thank you.
  17. DonSellos

    DonSellos Moderator Moderator

    Hi Terry:

    Not sure what "bundling strips" are. I am unfamiliar with the term. Mounts, perhaps? I don't use mounts, but the company below sells most every kind of stamp supplies and accessories. You might look at its website and see if it has what you are seeking.

  18. Terry Wicks

    Terry Wicks Member

    Hello Don, The strips I am referring to I have seen have been used to bundle like 100 stamps and are brown mostly. I have also seen thread used. Thank you for the link I will check it out. I was hoping someone would sell them but they could be collector made as well.
  19. Michael Rauch

    Michael Rauch New Member

    Thanks! great info!
  20. Josh Wan

    Josh Wan New Member

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