online stamp club meeting

Discussion in 'Stamp Chat' started by jim72051, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. jim72051

    jim72051 Active Member

    I sat in on a 1 hour group discussion of stamps this past Sunday. About a dozen people at any one time. It was interesting and a chance to talk about whatever interests you. Mostly about what stamps or equipment individuals recently acquired. 4PM eastern time Sunday. stamp meeting.JPG
    DonSellos and Molokai like this.
  2. DonSellos

    DonSellos Moderator Moderator

    Hi Jim:

    Sounds interesting. How difficult is it to get a word in? Any idea on who Stan Cromlish is and what is his stake in the meeting? Maybe I'll give it a try next Sunday.

  3. jim72051

    jim72051 Active Member

    it was a small group so talking was easy. Stan cycled through the particpants to be sure they go a word in. Most seemed to be involved in online sales (but now a days isn't everyone). Give it a try. If you want to show something it would be helpful to have a screen shot on your computer rather than hold it up to the camera.

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