Let's see some swords!

Discussion in 'Stamp Chat' started by Jim Shaver, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    definitive,issuedMar.25th,1975;from a set of 5;exists tagged and un-tagged;
    DonSellos likes this.
  2. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Nordic mythology,issued Jan.29th,1981; from a set of 5;
    BettyBoop likes this.
  3. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued March 28th,1990; from a booklet pane of 8 stamps: "The Vikings";
    BettyBoop likes this.
  4. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    9th anniversary of President Ngo-dinh-Diem´s presidency;
    issued July 7th,1963; set of 4 stamps with the same design;
    BettyBoop likes this.
  5. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Issued Nov.1st,1966;from a set of 4,commemorating the third anniversary
    of the deposition (and murder) of president Ngo-dinh-Diem.
    BettyBoop and anglobob like this.
  6. anglobob

    anglobob Moderator Moderator

    Werner....nice....swords on horseback ...:joyful::joyful::joyful::joyful:
  7. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    BettyBoop and Molokai like this.
  8. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert Bund 2741.jpg
    2000th anniversary of the battle in the Teutoburger Wald (forest),
    issued June 4th,2009.Two versions exist,one with water-activated
    gum and (shown) one self-adhesive.
    This battle,the exact location of it is not known,ended the advances
    of the Romans in Germania.
    The Romans,lead by Quintilius Varus were beaten by Arminius the
    Cherusk (Arminius´ identity is not historical proven) completely.
    The surviving Romans fled,Varus committed suicide by "throwing
    himself into his sword".
    The stamp shows a roman rider´s protective iron-mask of the time,
    the head of Augustus and the top of the Hermann-Monument,
    near the believed site of the battle.
    (Hermann = German,Arminius = Latin)
    The monument was dedicated in 1875.One of several huge monuments,
    that were built to celebrate the unification of Germany in 1871.
    The sword of Hermann is 7 meters long.
    BettyBoop, DonSellos and anglobob like this.
  9. BettyBoop

    BettyBoop Active Member

    Here are some stamps from a set 2016 Guernsey/Alderney about the Battle of Hastings, leading to the death of King Harold ll and subsequently to new King, William l, "The Conqueror".

    Attached Files:

  10. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert DDR 463.jpg
    Monument (detail) for the soviet soldiers,what died in the Second
    World War in Berlin-Treptow.
    Issued April 15th,1955.
    DonSellos, Hochstrasse and anglobob like this.
  11. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert DDR 2038.jpg
    Same monument as above.
    This stsamp issued May 6th,1975. (from a set of 4)
    DonSellos likes this.
  12. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert Indien 273.jpg
    Rani Lakshmi Bai (1835-1858),heroine of the "Sepoy-Uprise" (against
    the British) of 1857/58.
    Issued Aug.15th,1957. (from a set of 2)
  13. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert Indien 323.jpg
    Chatrapati Sivaji Maharaj (1627-1680),Maharati (hindu) fighter
    against the (muslim) Moguls.
    Issued April 17th,1961.
    anglobob likes this.
  14. Derek Stoneroad

    Derek Stoneroad New Member

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