Let's see some swords!

Discussion in 'Stamp Chat' started by Jim Shaver, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    King´s 47th Birthday,issued Dec.28th,1992
    Shown is King Birendra receiving a sword from the living goddess
    Sree Bhadrakali.
    BettyBoop and James-2489 like this.
  2. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Issued Dec.12th,1946,from a set of 10.
    The stamp shows Duke Rudolf IV,"der Stifter"(the founder)
    of Austria.He initiated the building of the Stephansdom (St.Stephen´s Cathedral) in Vienna in it´s today´s appearance
    in 1359.
    The stamp series of 10,was issued to fund the rebuilding of the
    dome,Austria´s "national shrine",what was damaged badly by
    a fire,what was started by austrian looters near the end of the
    the war.
    BettyBoop and James-2489 like this.
  3. Takis Kalogerakos

    Takis Kalogerakos Active Member

  4. anglobob

    anglobob Moderator Moderator

    Have found a few cinderella stamps with swords of various sizes.....

    WW1 Patriotic stamp depicting Joan of Arc leading her troops to victory sword 2.jpg A few other patriotic stamps from WW1 sword 2.jpg isword 3041.jpg sword.jpg
    BettyBoop and James-2489 like this.
  5. anglobob

    anglobob Moderator Moderator

    Ooops...sorry...didnt realize I sent duplicate scan
  6. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello all, this stamp was due to be released on
    2017-11-06 but has been delayed. possibly it will be issued in December. It is to celebrate 250th Anniversary of King Taksin the Great.


    Regards, James.
  7. Phaik Hooi

    Phaik Hooi Member

    i found a broken sword.
    helvetia 20.png
    Werner Salentin and James-2489 like this.
  8. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    St.Martin,issued Nov.8th,1985
    BettyBoop likes this.
  9. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Traditional weapons,issued Oct.9th,1994.
    BettyBoop and anglobob like this.
  10. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued Aug.30th,1985
    BettyBoop and anglobob like this.
  11. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert D1233.jpg
    issued Nov.8th,1984
    BettyBoop and anglobob like this.
  12. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert S218.jpg
    issued Nov.1st,1932 (from a set of 4)
    BettyBoop likes this.
  13. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued Sept.19th,1986
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  14. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued May 24th,1991
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  15. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued June 18th,1999
    BettyBoop and anglobob like this.
  16. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued Oct.5th,1991
    BettyBoop likes this.
  17. JCapwet

    JCapwet New Member

    this first page comes right out of my Sports binder and is one of three I have in it. Swords.jpg
    BettyBoop and anglobob like this.
  18. JCapwet

    JCapwet New Member

    This page I had to put together from my Military binder. Swords2.jpg
    BettyBoop, DonSellos and anglobob like this.
  19. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Schwert S226.jpg
    issued Jan.10th,1935,from a set of 6;
    BettyBoop likes this.
  20. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    issued Sept.24th,1962 (from a set of 2)
    BettyBoop likes this.

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