Lets see coinage on stamps

Discussion in 'Stamp Chat' started by Makanudo, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator

    Here is my first addition, a coin of serbian despot from 15th century:

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  2. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    50th Anniversary of Irish coinage,issued
    James-2489 and Makanudo like this.
  3. ubleo

    ubleo Member

    2002, Jan. 1 Introduction of the Euro

    1997, Apr. 3 Irish Coinage, Millennium
    James-2489 and Makanudo like this.
  4. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator

    1972 Guyana republic day stamps 4/4:

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  5. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello all, these stamps depict coins of King Naresuan the Great (Thai: นเรศวร) or Sanphet II (Thai: สรรเพชญ์ที่ 2; 25 April 1555 –1605) was the King of the Ayutthaya Kingdom from 1590 and Emperor of Lan Na Kingdom from 1602 until his death in 1605. Naresuan is one of Thailand's most revered monarchs as he was known for his campaigns to free Ayutthaya from the Bamars under the Taungoo Dynasty. During his reign, numerous wars were fought against Taungoo Burma. Naresuan also welcomed the Dutch.

    This minisheet and stamps date of issue: 1991-10-15


    Regards, James.
    Makanudo likes this.
  6. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello all, this one from the Vatican City.

    Date of issue 2007-09-20


    Regards, James.
    Makanudo likes this.
  7. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Knowing pretty few coins on stamps and
    owning even less,here the ones from India: Coins1.jpg
    Nehru commemoration coin set.
    Stamp issued Nov.14th,1964
    Exists with different overprints.

    issued Jan.21st,1980
    Harry Golightly and Makanudo like this.
  8. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Nepal,old coins issued Dec.16th,1979
    Nepal 1.jpg Nepal 2.jpg Nepal 3.jpg
    James-2489 and Makanudo like this.
  9. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator


    How come there is arabic on one of the copper coins?
  10. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Many parts of India and foremost the Moghul
    Impire had muslim rulers.So the use of arabic
    script was and still is (Pakistan f.i.) very wide
  11. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello all, a recent acquisition from Liechtenstein.

    Date of issue: 1977-06-08

    Regards, James.
    Harry Golightly likes this.
  12. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator

    More Yugoslav stamps with coins:

    rt.jpg st.jpg
    James-2489 likes this.
  13. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Bhutan,July 8th,1966,set of nine: Bhutan 1.jpg Bhutan 2.jpg Bhutan 3.jpg
    Front side/back side
    The scans do not show the different sizes.
    39,50,63 mm diameter from scan 1 to scan 3.
    The remaining three stamps show the front
    of the coins only.
    Bhutan 4.jpg
    James-2489 and Makanudo like this.
  14. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator

    Bhutan fascinates, once again.
  15. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator

    Czeskoslovakian stamp of 1978, depicting gold florin of 1335.

    James-2489 likes this.
  16. ubleo

    ubleo Member

    Bhutan exelent!
  17. Makanudo

    Makanudo Moderator Moderator

    Its a postcard issued in 1975 to commemorate 100 years of national currency:

    James-2489 likes this.
  18. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    Germany´s beloved DM 10th Anniv.,isssued
    June 20th,1958
    Coins D.jpg
    50th Anniv.,June 19th,1998
    Coins D2.jpg
    James-2489 and Makanudo like this.
  19. DonSellos

    DonSellos Moderator Moderator

    I started out collecting coins in 1958 and switched to stamps in 1964, but have never collected coins on stamps as a topical beyond those that fall within other collecting perimeters. Here, for example, is the 1975 se-tenant pair of U.S. stamps commemorating banking and commerce in the U.S. from my U.S commemorative collection. Pictured on the stamps is the obverse of an Indian head penny, a seated liberty quarter, a Morgan silver dollar and the reverse of a $20 gold coin. An attractive pair of stamps, in my opinion.


    money on stamps.jpg
  20. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello all, my coins on stamps for today commemorate the centenary of King Chulalongkorn's visit to Europe in 1897

    Date of issue: 1998-07-01

    Regards, James.
    Makanudo and DonSellos like this.

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