I am familiar with eBay. I have had some luck with them before in the past. However, I never heard of mylittleauction. I will have to give it a try.
It is good to keep learning derailed. Are you a beer collector also? lol.. Never mind. Don't answer that
This site is pretty good. It give all types of how to instructions and is very informative on the the art. They also give a little history of how collecting started. Enjoy! http://www.learnaboutstamps.org/chapterthree.html
Thanks for posting this CrystalMarie. I just took a little look. I had no idea how little I know about stamp collecting.
Oh, well, I've been doing this from since I was 10! Yeah, Mum handled me her old stamp collection then. I guess I'm lucky.
Great information here. Thx.I just joined this forum after a couple of decades of forgetting about my stamp collection and losing interest. I feel like I'm a kid again here!! Thank you!
Thank you for this post, Sarah. As I have said on some of the other threads I am very new to the world of stamps and appreciate any information that I can get. I have always had a genuine interest, but know little to nothing.
Thesec are great tips and useful hints thank you! I have tried to steam my stamps that were stuck together and it didn't work. Hopefully I can salvage what is left of them and my brother is trying a different way for me to save them.
Hello Sarah, excellent site. I would like to add information to it. Problem with colour bleed through from package. Here in Thailand and I suspect many other places, I have problems soaking parcel-post items. These generally have the higher value stamps. Very high value Thai stamps are almost impossible to find here, I have to buy from Europe or the US Here the boxes have a red portion which I think may be a water-based paint/dye. (See attached photo) I tackle this by either taping or gluing the surrounding paper (stamp face down) and carefully removing the backing paper (envelope) with medium sandpaper, when the red starts to show through, switch to a finer sandpaper until the colour is fully exposed. This can now be removed with a dampened sponge, try to keep the stamp as dry possible blotting with tissue when needed. Afterwards the stamps can be washed to remove any remaining colour traces. This was a 1.2 Kg parcel of kilo-ware to Malta. The 2011, 100 baht gold stamps were to celebrate the King's 7th cycle (84 years) hence the heptagon shape. http://siamstamp.com/catalogue/index.php?id=958 Regards, James.
Excellent information... though the posting is a couple of years old, I can tally the information given with results I have already had... Have been to Edinburgh a number of times... anyone know if the Jolly Judge on St. James place still serves the finest cold draughts? It's been a number of years since I had the pleasure...
Hello Zararina, the circular golden stamp is in fact another of the heptagonal stamps issued to celebrate the King's 7th cycle, as are 3 of these stamps on top (bleached out by the strong sunshine). For proper images of these stamps visit http://siamstamp.com/catalogue/index.php?id=940 (centre stamp of set) others in this series are in id=948 or id=958 (100 baht stamp) The parcel was sent to a collector friend in Malta. James
I don't know if anyone is interested, but if you're an artist or do it as a hobby, Photoshop is a great way to make your own custom stamps. I was researching one day to find out if I could do it and I found this link: https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-rubber-stamp-in-photoshop--cms-28279. If you have Photoshop, I think it's worth your time. I understand not everyone can use Photoshop, but maybe you can get it one day or get it through 'other means'.
Hello all, my own Avatar was made in just a few minutes using MS Paint. Scan a stamp on a black background into Paint, select a passport photo' of myself and paste into the stamp, then add the white text in the background, trim to size. Regards, James.
With the stamp and the background, would you find a template on Google or make it yourself? It sounds very interesting and easy to make. Maybe I'll try it soon.