Help Needed in Identifying this German card

Discussion in 'World Stamps' started by pdotk, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. pdotk

    pdotk Active Member

    Hi All,
    I recently got the below card. But I doubt whether it is a selfmade maxim card or something else. If anyone know German, please translate the text in English.

    Thanks in advance

    Front side of the card,

    Balloon self made maximcard Germany.jpg

    Back side is completely black, lookslike a chart paper.
    Balloon self made maximcard Germany back.jpg
  2. James-2489

    James-2489 Well-Known Member

    Hello PdotK, it translates as:
    First balloon rise (flight) Mannhiem 12 February 1784
    A bi-centenary flight celebration.

    The stamp shown is for the 150th Anniversary of the German Customs Union

    Date of issue: 1983-11-10 - (German Federal Republic)
    Regards, James.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
    pdotk and Werner Salentin like this.
  3. Algernon

    Algernon New Member

    Is Scott 1407, I have one:)

  4. pdotk

    pdotk Active Member

    Thanks a lot James for the useful information.

    I would also like to know whether this is a self made maxim card?, Is this a valid material for exhibition? In what way this German customs union is related to bicentenary celebrations cancellation?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
  5. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    There is no relation between stamp and card.
    The card was issued by a private group,who asked the german p.o.
    for a special cancel.This is possible in Germany,if you pay the costs
    and fees.However a cancel cannot be applied on a blanc card,but
    there has to be a stamp on it.That is why a stamp,good for a
    postcard,was affixed.
    Special cancels exist in very big numbers.There are many thousands
    of them.I donĀ“t know for sure,but I think there is no catalogue for them,because there are too many of them.
    Private souvenirs like the above also exist in very big numbers and
    are practically worthless.Dealers often have a box for such items.
    Nobody wants them,so they usually end with charities.
    By the way,your card has no similarity to a maximum card.
    Stamp and card are of different thematics.
    pdotk likes this.
  6. pdotk

    pdotk Active Member

  7. pdotk

    pdotk Active Member

    Though there are plenty of special cancels exists in Germany, they are good and interesting too. Thanks Werner for your info. So, This card is as good as unaddressed FDC.

    While talking about unaddressed fresh FDC, I am wondering How we can make them as a worthwhile exhibit material. When I exhibited last time, they told me to remove unaddressed FDC's. If they cannot be exhibited they why any country is issuing FDCs and CTOs?

  8. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    I think,you will guess the answer: money !
    Makanudo likes this.

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