Here's a site I've been using........ An Image Hosting site that is great to just browse around.
I found an interesting blog from a revenue collector. I'm not sure whether it's been referenced before, but I'm sure some revenue collectors will find it interesting.
This link was on another stamp forum. I browsed through it and, wow, another huge collecting opportunity! Pictorial meters and those with advertising have always interested me, but fortunately I haven't started to collect them. Don
I thought it might be helpful to resurrect this old link which some newer members might find useful. Here's an interesting site about the post office at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
I found this link while searching for cork cancel lists, but the site is so much more. I was quite shocked at never stumbling across it before. There is so much there that a broad description is not enough. I saw for instance a place to upload a stamp image and get a color analysis. I haven't as yet tried it, but I intend to give it a shot. The index of cancellations alone makes it worth bookmarking.
Anyone who wants to list stamps for sale and it 100% FREE to use visit It has just undergone the second upgrade in the 12 year history. Now they repopulate the site, as for past 12 years it free to buy and sell on the site. New addition is free stores. You can open a store, list up to 50 items and just leave them there until you get an email to say one has sold and you have money! I have made three sales on the site in January for a total of $128 and one of those was a military FDC from India. Hope to see more of you there!
From time to time stamp discussions here revolve around albums, storage and pages. I have discovered an interesting link that has user-contributed stamp album pages. I downloaded the U.S. private die pages, some 68 pages. I think they were very well crafted and I intend to print them out and make a dedicated binder for my private die stamps, moving them out of a stock book. There are quite a number of downloads and I would encourage people to look them over and take advantage of the free pages.
I am not sure if anyone has posted this link or not, but it lists a lot of different classic and modern literature in pdf form and it is all free.
Hi Baker J! I don't remember anyone posting this before, but if anyone had it's still a nice site and a lot of things to download and check out. Thanks
I stumbled on that site by accident. I was 3 pages of suggestions into a Google search and there it was.
In this months American Philatelist there was an interesting article about newspaper stamps. The article reminded me of Molokai's excellent post about them. A link in the article proved to be a fascinating site. The link in Molokai's post placed me on a reference page for the site so I never really got to the home page of the articles site, neglecting to hit the home button at the top of the page or oversight on my part. I suggest those interested in newspaper stamps give this site a look over.
'Doc' Pepper of Unicorn Hall is almost certainly the head guru of N&P stamps. His four books are must-have for collectors.
Very Nice This looks like a good spot for showing specialized treasure of knowledge. The archive is completely rare and will speed up things for me with my hobby. I bookmarked this post and will come back for extra information. I accidently found the know-how that I had previously looked everywhere and just could not locate. What a perfect spot. On my off time I am forever studying <span style=color:#000>top roofing company in flagstaff</span>.