Favorite Links

Discussion in 'Stamp Chat' started by Sarahrtw, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Philbeaux

    Philbeaux Member

  2. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    Will check out those links, thanks. :)
  3. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    James-2489 likes this.
  4. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
    James-2489 likes this.
  5. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    Nice badges, do you have some or collect those Hoch?
  6. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    I do have a modest collection of postal badges. I plan to mount them all in a framed shadow box with some vintage USPOD pictures.
    zararina likes this.
  7. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

  8. Gunny

    Gunny Retired Jarhead Moderator

  9. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    I do too Gunny. That draw of nostalgic old photos is an instant connection with history.
  10. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    Those black and white photos are really interesting. Informative link Hoch. :)
  11. tasha

    tasha Active Member

    Some great links here and I am going to have a look through them this weekend. I found one that has South African stamps on it, so that's great thank you! I haven't seen the ones that they have.
  12. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    Hochstrasse likes this.
  13. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    I don't recall seeing this link, but then again I may have missed it. Very nice Zee, I loved seeing the rare letter/cover from the Italian man in Napoleon's Grand Army posted during the retreat from Russia.
  14. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    Thanks Hoch for liking it too. Yes lots of nice stuffs on that link. :)
  15. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

  16. FitzjamesHorse

    FitzjamesHorse Active Member

    This is (hopefully) a link to my Collecting Blog.


    I have been blogging for about seven years on a variety of subjects. My most successful Blog, unrelated to Stamp Collecting has had 244,000 views in four years.
    It IS a Blog in the conventional sense. I blog and people comment. In my view a successful blog requires comments as much as it requires original posts. It works best as a "conversation". Blogs die without comments.
    A Message Board is a slightly different thing from a Blog. Obviously a Message Board requires comments but in my view a Message Board can become confrontational.
    For example if I was to set up a Message Board about the NFL then it could quickly become confrontational as it would attract comments from supporters of Seattle Seahawks, Miami Dolphins and thirty other teams.
    But a Blog dedicated to (say) Detroit Lions would get comments but would not be confrontational.
    Unlike my 244,000 views Blog.....my Collecting Blog is not very successful.
    I dont think success is important....it would be "nice" to be successful....but it is not as important as recording my thoughts....on Stamps, Coins, Postcards, Phonecards of just one country.
    That makes it too niche to be successful but thats ok.

    The way I see it is that fifty odd years ago, I operated as an schoolkid with a pre-printed stamp album and a packet of hinges. I had no idea then that after fifty years, I would have a "Stamp Room"...albums, FDCs, catalogues, magazines, boxes of duplicates, etc etc.
    Nor could I have foreseen that I would have spreadsheets itemising my collection and I see the Blog as effectively a Journal...which I should maybe print out because I think that it is now an integral part of my collection.
    To be clear...a Blog....is one of three things....Blog, Message Board or Journal.
    In real life, I am a fairly reserved person. In some ways having a Blog with 244,000 views is not like me but for the most part I am engaging with people who think as I do...and it is easy to engage with them. So I dont hang back.
    I have never been a very social stamp collector and I rarely engage with other collectors. I tend to hold back when I meet them.
    I suppose the point I am making is that to run any successful blog....and I encourage others more gifted than I am to try it....requires a degree of "all in" commitment that I have not had.
  17. Hochstrasse

    Hochstrasse Moderator Moderator

    Interesting articles there that I will continue to check out. That's an interesting idea, blog as journal. It's a very 21rst century way of looking at it. I too am one of those timid, reserved and private collectors. Perhaps a blog isn't for me, but I will make an effort to join a local club here and try to broaden my collecting horizons.
    FitzjamesHorse likes this.
  18. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

    I have created blogs before but never got active and forgot most of it. :p
    Nice website you have there. :)
    FitzjamesHorse likes this.
  19. zararina

    zararina Simply Me! :D

  20. FitzjamesHorse

    FitzjamesHorse Active Member

    zararina likes this.

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