A place to post links about : reference sites (definitions etc) sale/auctions sites blogs anything else of use to collectors Old Stamps - postage stamp collection
I have a couple of interesting links. The first is a link to the Smithsonsian National Postal Museum online exhibit in which people can see good images of some rare and interesting stamps. http://arago.si.edu/ The second is a resource to find information on worldwide stamp expertisers and information on forgeries. http://www.filatelia.fi/experts/sitemap.html?
I just found this page today. It's about U.S. match & medicine stamps. On display is an almost complete posting of these stamps. I counted only 4 empty spaces. http://www.rdhinstl.com/mm/mmb1.htm
Ihttp://www.sandafayre.com/rarestamps/stampgallery.html I really like this link since there are lots of information on this site.
Nice link for stamps news. This is a great site for new issue collectors. I'm bookmarking all these nice sites...Thanks everyone.
I just found this link, it allows you to see galleries pages of stamps by country, topic, year etc.It also have stamps for sale etc. Just looking at it now, but it could be useful. Interested what those in the know think of it: Postbeeld
http://www.2-clicks-stamps.com/article/rare-postage-stamps.html Just found out about this site today, it was a nice site featuring rare stamps together with its information or details.
I like this site since it can be very useful, it has details about the existing stamps collecting clubs here and Philatelic glossary. http://philpost.gov.ph/web/philatelic-glossary/
http://www.stampsofdistinction.com/2008/06/8-of-worlds-most-unusual-postage-stamps.html I thought this link was kind of interesting....enjoy!