Can you help me identify these Peoples Republic of China stamps

Discussion in 'What's it Worth?' started by Khedges, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. Khedges

    Khedges New Member

    chinese stamps 2.jpg I would like to identify and find the value of these stamps I got a whole sheet with other stamps. 50 stamps per sheet.
  2. Werner Salentin

    Werner Salentin Well-Known Member

    The stamps you show are from Taiwan (Republic of China).
    However you show one half of the set of 10 only.
    The set was issued on Nov.12th,1981 and is listed by Scott as
    no.2272 or Michel 1436-1445.
    Frank Geiger offers the set of 10 for US-$ 25.-.
    DonSellos likes this.
  3. Khedges

    Khedges New Member

    Thank you I have a sheet of 50 stamps so I 5 sets of 10. I didn't realize they were different from one row to the next
  4. Howard Gustav

    Howard Gustav New Member

    Very beautiful stamps. I have always admired Japanese and Chinese paintings of the past centuries.
    DonSellos likes this.

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