Hello, I'm from Montréal (Canada), collect stamps from Canada and US, but also from all over the world. Have a lot of double of Canadian Stamps
A strange request. Pierre.Would you be interested it translating some WW1 letters for me. If I send you the scans. Im also from Canada welcome
Welcome. I know the problem. I have too many US and not enough of other places. If you (or anyone else) have any need for used US, particularly the 3 cent to 25 cent era I have thousands. I just need a scott number list of about 100 at a time. I don't sell, I trade, so once you get them send something interesting back. The postal costs far exceed the value for most Non US mailings but I think I can get them to Canada for about the price of two first class stamps.
My US collection is complete except for the last 18 years where i stop collected stamps. My Scott catalogue is out of date as well.