For sale : USA mint collection from Heirloom Heritage - up to 1995 the collection is in two albums, and clean.. mounted . Not looking for top dollar, just need to liquidate ASAP also Used USA in three albums... up to 1994 also Canadian mint available, also used in Albums...
Welcome to the forum Reg. I think better to include photos of those stamps for sale so that we could tell the condition and it might get more posters interested to it.
Reg, just so you are prepared, you might look at completed listings on eBay for these. They seem to have modern common stamps as they haven't realized very much. However, they were not very well represented with photographs of some of the early stamps, so photos would be necessary. Welcome Jim
Hope you get a good price for your collection. Can you give any more details of the type of stamps you have. Where you bought them from and what designs they have.
I figured estate sales were one of the best ways to find new stamps. Or rather, old stamps, but new stamps as in new to my collection. Do you have any pictures? Please upload or use imgur or something, thanks!
I would definitely take a few pictures! People will get a lot more excited about your stamps when they see them visually. It will help them picture the idea of adding them to their collection.