A stamp collector from china

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by xiantaner, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. xiantaner

    xiantaner New Member

    I love collecting the stamps from the childhood, I still remember my grandfather give a stamp book and some stamps , I became a feverish stamp collector when I was in middle school , I even can recite the numbers of every stamps. Now I have no much spare time on stamps collecting, but I still have much interesting on stamps.So today I find the website and be glad to exchange the stamps and share the stamps and enjoy the so much stamp topic
  2. DonSellos

    DonSellos Moderator Moderator

    Welcome, Xiantaner. I am not a stamp trader, but I am sure there are others who would be pleased to trade stamps with you. If you have a scanner, I would like to see some of your collection.

  3. Klaus

    Klaus New Member

    Hello Xiantaner,
    I am collecting PR China, used stamps. E-mail me your interests and I would like to start trading with you.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2019
  4. Klaus

    Klaus New Member

    Hello Xiantaner,
    You can contact me by e-mail to arrange for exchanges.




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